
Do's and don'ts of Chatbots

Do's and don'ts of Chatbots

By Jaap

We like to have a lot of visitors, on our website that is. But what do you actually do with that traffic? Do you wait for them to eventually reach out to you, or do you have more triggers in place to engage your potential customers?
13-09-2023 12:01 PM - Comment(s)
How to get visitors to become customers

How to get visitors to become customers

By Jaap

We like to have a lot of visitors, on our website that is. But what do you actually do with that traffic? Do you wait for them to eventually reach out to you, or do you have more triggers in place to engage your potential customers?
13-09-2023 12:01 PM - Comment(s)
Newsletters are dead!

Newsletters are dead!

By Jaap

We like to have a lot of visitors, on our website that is. But what do you actually do with that traffic? Do you wait for them to eventually reach out to you, or do you have more triggers in place to engage your potential customers?
13-09-2023 12:01 PM - Comment(s)
This simple hack makes your Pagespeed score so much better!

This simple hack makes your Pagespeed score so much better!

By Jaap

Google gives your website a score based on a number of things such as the speed of loading. With Pagespeed from Google you can test how your website scores on the loading speed and therefore the user-friendliness.
12-09-2023 04:48 PM - Comment(s)